Save the Trees, Please

Monday, January 09, 2006

okay y'all

either its time for some action or i think this group needs to fizzle out like a can of soda (personal opinion)

seriously think about this you guys (i am speaking directly to the TIE members)...should we really keep saying we have an environmentalist group if we dont do anything to help the earth within the group? i don't mean forget the idea completely, just to pick it up in the future when we all can actually participate. i know we all say we're going to pick something/set a meeting date, but the fact of the matter is we all got old and became busier.
i have other ideas, but we'd need a meeting date and time. not neccesarily a face to face, but an online meeting as well. please think hard about this. then post times and days we could meet online.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

"Fall Trash BashThe Fall Neighborhood Clean-up will be held on Saturday, September 17th. We will come together to clean up the neighborhoods in the City of Toledo. We will provide trucks, trash bags and work gloves, but we need lots of volunteers. Hope to see you there! Call 419-936-2020 or click here for more information."

Not sure if this would interest anyone....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005



I'll start out by saying how fun this lil club/group thingy has been.
We've had fun TRYING to do stuff; while we haven't done a thing.
I'm wondering if we should even have this group if we aren't going to do anything. I think if we have this group we are all going to have to sacrifice doing some if everybody can meet on one day but only one person can't, that person should have to really think if what else they could be doing is important or not. I know planning has been a big issue in the past...especially this summer. I'm sorry, but doesn't it seem lame that none of us made an effort to do anything? Hmm? L-A-M-E. And before ya'll start abusing me, I realize that I didn't do anything either.
So can anyone give me an opinion? I want to keep this group goin, but now that I'm stationed in BG and, no offense Grace, my parents don't trust 16 yr. old drivers, I don't know how often my parents will bring me up if we don't do anything but gab. And you all know that no matter what when you put us all together thats what we do best.

Luv as always,

Monday, July 04, 2005

no meeting?

okay, as we have not officially decided, the first tuesday of july (tmw) will not contain a TIE meeting. if there are any objections or other comments, well, for heavens sake just do what u normally do! lol. jp. um, so yeah, if there are any ideas about service or things to do at meetings, post ur comments! thanx and happy fourth of july!

Monday, June 20, 2005

July Meeting

i know we're all just getting into the swing of summer, but before we know it, it'll be gone!! So I propose that we schedule a TIE meeting ASAP as I know that prepping for fair takes up most of S.'s time in July. I think that we should all find a time to be online, to discuss possible dates and times. Maybe even an overnight. Post when you can be online ASAP pleez!! Just FYI, yellow ducky (muah) cannot be on until I get home from camp, as the buttheaded computers here don't have AIM. loser computers! whatev.

MWA!!!!!!! luv ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Summer fun stuff

Okay TIE members, I think we should schedule a day of fun, like shopping and a movie. Actually, Froggie and Carrots said that to me. Anywho, poll on who wants to do what.

1 Shopping @ the new mall (westfield) and going to see _________
2 Shopping @ levis commons and going to see ________
3 Skip the movie and go shopping @ Levis Commons and then come back to my house to spend the night (sorry, parents won't let us stay up all night)

Then once ya'll get me your schedules we can plan our next TIE action and that day of fun