Save the Trees, Please

Monday, January 09, 2006

okay y'all

either its time for some action or i think this group needs to fizzle out like a can of soda (personal opinion)

seriously think about this you guys (i am speaking directly to the TIE members)...should we really keep saying we have an environmentalist group if we dont do anything to help the earth within the group? i don't mean forget the idea completely, just to pick it up in the future when we all can actually participate. i know we all say we're going to pick something/set a meeting date, but the fact of the matter is we all got old and became busier.
i have other ideas, but we'd need a meeting date and time. not neccesarily a face to face, but an online meeting as well. please think hard about this. then post times and days we could meet online.



  • Good idea. You all have AIM, right? I command you all to get on AIM on Sunday evening, 6:30 pm, and talk. lol

    By Blogger Dryad, at Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:12:00 AM  

  • ok, yes, as a member of T.I.E., I agree.
    We need to have an online meeting to discuss the possibility of continuing this group. I am usually on during the weeks after nine and on weekends, it depends. But I really think that it would be a good idea for us to host a conversation for all of us T.I.E. people sometime.


    By Blogger Polenta, at Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:34:00 AM  

  • well. I'm not a TIE member but I seriously think that you guys should do something. like pronto.

    okay you can scratch that. don't listen to me. heck, I don't even know why I'm commenting cuz I should actually be studying for exams.

    okay. whatever. don't listen to me.

    By Blogger Ruthie, at Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:11:00 AM  

  • ruthie! you aren't sudying?
    okay you need to meet....and all that.....ha.......i feel dumb right now....

    By Blogger Kick-butt soccer star, at Tuesday, February 14, 2006 6:35:00 PM  

  • *cough*
    wake up call, you peoples.
    its been like 4 months since you last updated. pretty pathetic, much?

    By Blogger Ruthie, at Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:39:00 AM  

  • hmm... ok, i don't think we're going to actually do anything. maybe in the future. maybe in ten years we'll all be married and suddenly we'll all just have this urge and we'll call each other and say "hey, remember that environmentalist group we started when we were teenagers? why don't we start that again?" but right now I think we should end this group.

    however, just because we end the group doesn't mean we have to stop being environmentalists! we can still help the earth on our own.

    I am willing to have an online meeting, but please choose a specific day an
    d time because i don't get on the computer that often, and when i do i rarely remember to get on AIM. Most weeknights should be ok for me, as long as it is after about 8pm. weekends... i can probably arrange just about anything... and yes, i am willing to get on at 1am if that's what you guys want, lol.


    By Blogger Nature's Daughter, at Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:21:00 AM  

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